Charlestown Coalition Workplan 2020-2022
Every year, the Charlestown Coalition develops a workplan for their year outlining their goals and the objectives, strategies, and activities they will undertake to work on achieving the goals. The Community Health Needs Assessment helps to guide the work the coalition should focus on, along with the support of the coalition members.

Charlestown Coalition FY22 Report
This report shows the overall work the Charlestown Coalition undertook in Fiscal Year 2022 by priority area.
2019 Community Health Needs
Assessment & Implementation Plan
Every three years, MGH has to complete a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). For its 2019 CHNA Report & Implementation Plan, the MGH Center for Community Health Improvement (CCHI) focused on the factors contributing to substance use and mental health in the communities we serve: Chelsea, Revere, Charlestown, and East Boston.
Charlestown Peace Park
Charlestown Peace Park rebuilding efforts.
Family Support Circle FY17 Report
This report summarizes the work of the Family Support Circle for Fiscal Year ’17 (October 1, 2016-September 20, 2017) which shows the number of clients served, concerns and interventions addressed, and goal achievement.
Adult Learning Center FY17 Report
This report summarizes the work of the Adult Learning Center for Fiscal Year ’17 (October 1, 2016-September 20, 2017) which shows the number of students served and concerns and interventions addressed.
Collaborative Group Model Evaluation,
Spring 2023
Participants engaged with their community members in new ways and learned about how to access resources and support.

Coming Soon:
Charlestown Summer Series Evaluation
Turn It Around
Evaluation Results Report
This report summarizes survey and focus group data from participants of the Turn it Around youth group in the Spring 2017, highlights literature on protective factors that promote well-being among youth, and illustrates the coalition’s role in promoting protective factors among youth in Charlestown.
Turn It Around
Focus Group Themes
November 2018 Report: Youth feel connected to community, coalition staff, and peers.
Gavin Foundation Youth Program
Survey Results
This report summarizes Pre-Post survey results from participants of an after-school group at Charlestown High School in the hopes of reducing their marijuana dependence. The survey measures demographic data and changes in knowledge and behaviors, especially around stress management and understanding the effects of marijuana use.
Life Skills-Stay In Shape Spring Semester 2019 Survey Results
This report shows the results of the Pre-Post survey for the 2019 Spring Semester for the Life Skills-Stay in Shape program. The survey measures demographics and changes in knowledge and behaviors among middle school participants.
Life Skills-Stay In Shape Spring Semester 2018 Survey Results
This report shows the results of the Pre-Post survey for the 2018 Spring Semester for the Life Skills-Stay in Shape program. The survey measures demographics and changes in knowledge and behaviors among middle school participants.
Life Skills-Stay In Shape Spring Semester 2016-2017 Survey Results
This report shows the results of the Pre-Post survey for the 2017 Spring Semester for the Life Skills-Stay in Shape program. The survey measures demographics and changes in knowledge and behaviors among middle school participants.
Life Skills-Stay In Shape Fall 2016 Survey Results
This report shows the results of the Pre-Post survey for the 2016 Fall Semester for the Life Skills-Stay in Shape program. The survey measures demographics and changes in knowledge and behaviors among middle school participants.