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Current Members


It’s enjoyable participating in the Turn It Around events because we do different activities in my neighborhood. I love my community because I feel safe and have a lot of friends here. I hope one day to become a professional basketball player so I can use the talents I have and provide for my family. Something interesting about me is that I am very funny and enjoy making people laugh.

Participating in the Turn It Around events are fun and I get to do them with my friends. I love my community because I have many friends who live near me and I don’t ever feel left out. I hope one day to live in a safe environment where there is no violence or drug misuse. Something interesting about me is that I’m typically a quiet and shy person, but at Turn It Around events, I tend to be more outgoing.

Anything you need—whether it’s food, clothes, or even something simple, the staff will help as much as they can.
Turn it Around means a lot to me and they are like my family. I’ve known most of the people there since I was a child. If I ever need anything or need to talk to anyone I know they will always have open ears and hearts. Turn It Around has helped prepare me for the future and if I ever need a recommendation I know they would support me because they know me best. My future goal is to make a change and I can do that by being a part of this group. I don’t know how or when but that’s my goal; to one day have my name ring bells for good reasons.

Turn It Around has helped me build self-confidence and has given me the courage to speak-up and present ideas. It has also helped me think about the future and what I want to do in my life. One of my goals in life is to join the military after high school and I know TIA can give me some of the skills needed to be successful.

I enjoy Turn It Around because my friends are in the group and it gives me something to look forward to during the week. There are a lot of fun activities and events I can be a part of too. Turn It Around is something I am grateful to have in my life.

I am very proud to be a part of Turn It Around because I’m doing something positive and I can even save a life. I joined this group because I wanted to be able to help people even if it’s in the littlest way. Being a part of an organization like this makes me feel proud. I’m actually doing something in my life that is constructive, and I am not even old yet. I started Turn it Around when I was 14 and have been a part of it for 2 years! In the 2 years, I have learned a lot and have stepped out of my comfort zone. I use the knowledge from Turn it Around to inform young people in my generation about things that I have learned. I hope this will be a cycle where I tell them, they tell others, and eventually spread the awareness about drug misuse.
I want Turn It Around to be bigger and more popular. Many people know about McDonalds, that’s how I want people to know about Turn It Around, I want people to be like ‘Oh yeah that’s Turn It Around”. Many times, when I wear my Turn It Around shirt, many people will ask “What’s that?” I usually tell them, but I just hope more people learn and know about us.

Being a part of Turn It Around gives me the opportunity to educate the community on the dangers of drugs and how leaving dirty needles can be harmful to children and the surrounding community. I want a neighborhood where children can play in a park without having to see dirty needles or even witness bystanders nodding off or using drugs around them and with Turn It Around we can change that.

Turn It Around is going to have a great impact on the community. In the future I want to become a Pediatrician; that’s been my life goal since I was about six. Turn It Around helps that a lot because we work with kids and that can prepare me for my future goal. I’m grateful to be a member of Turn It Around.

Being older, my eyes have opened to the unbelievable use of opiate drugs in Massachusetts, especially in the North Shore and Boston area. Scrolling down my Facebook feed, there always seems to be a post about an overdose or bad batch of heroin. Walking the streets of Boston you see many types of people. Rich people, poor people, middle class people, college students, and kids—people of all races. Among these people you can see the ones that drugs have gotten the best of. It’s sad to see and that is why I joined Turn It Around.
I like being a part of Turn It Around because I know I can make a difference in somebody’s life and I feel as though I can have a strong influence and be a role model for other children and even adults.

The reason I joined Turn It Around is to be a positive example to those around me. I enjoy participating in the Turn It Around events because they help connect me with my community.

I want to help the community just like he does, and being a part of Turn It Around helps me do that. My goals are to become someone who affects the world and my community in a positive way. I want to work with people like the homeless or even foster a child who needs a home. That is why I joined Turn It Around.

Before I joined Turn It Around, I noticed the TIA posters around the town and on the MBTA buses and was curious to what it was about. Now I know and I am a part of it because it’s organizations like this one that can truly impact a neighborhood in a positive way!

The Director of the Charlestown Coalition, Sarah, mentioned it to me and my friend Wellington one day about the mission of Turn It Around and it really struck me. I was like why not join. It’s fun, you experience new things, meet new people, I met the mayor. Just a lot of fun things going on.
As a 6th grader I met a lot of new people, and I just started hanging out here more and more. I kept on oing ever since then. I went to their football games and made a lot more friends. I worked at the Charlestown Health Center over the summer and it was fun too. I got to shadow a nurse practitioner. I have had many amazing opportunities given to me since joining Turn It Around and I hope in the future that I will be able to pass along the knowledge and education TIA has share with me to help educate others.

As we all grew up, some of us went one way and the others turned down that dark path. Every day you see on Facebook or the news, someone else dead from a drug overdose, and it honestly needs to end. Being a part of Turn It Around has made it possible for me to have a voice in ending the stigma and raising awareness on this deadly disease. I don’t want to see anymore family members or friends suffer from the loss of a loved one and for that reason I am grateful to have helped start such a great initiative.

The reason I joined Turn It Around is because I wanted a better life for myself. Joining Turn It Around has changed my life for the better and keeps me out of trouble. When I need a place to go or someone to talk to, I know I can count on the Turn It Around staff. I can trust them to help me with anything.
I enjoy participating in the Turn It Around events because I get to have fun with my friends and give back to the community at the same time. I love my community because it cares about kids my age and the struggles we face. I hope one day to be rich, so I can help those around me and not have to stress about paying bills.

I joined Turn It Around towards the end of 2016 because I thought it was a good way to be involved in the community. It’s been an amazing experience so far. My goal is to go to Harvard and make all my goals, such as being an active citizen and medical doctor, come true. I think Turn It Around will help me with my goals because they are very helpful and always here for me and everyone. Hopefully in the future I can make great memories with amazing people at Turn It Around, I feel like I already have so far.

Now that I am a little more grown up and have positive people in my life to steer me in the right direction, I can look back and see how these people are actually suffering. Many people that are using are homeless, sick, starving, and even dying. I joined Turn it Around to better my knowledge about the big issue and be able to give back to the community that I was hurting. Turn it Around has opened my eyes to a brighter future and is giving me great opportunities to better my life. Getting connected to the Turn It Around program also provided me with opportunities to keep me off of the streets, giving me something positive to be a part of, and has helped me avoid gang activity and run-ins with the law.
This group “ Turn It Around” can be a good impact in the future, giving me experience on how to work with the community and also to help keep kids on the positive path, like me!

When I first started attending Turn it Around in September 2016, I really didn’t know what I was getting into. But, to be honest, I love this program and I love coming here, even still. The fact that I can come here and make a change in the community really motivates me to do better. I have met new people that I had never met before and that makes me very happy to have more friends. I know that I have an adult at Turn It Around that will help me and support me in life. I really enjoy this program and I love coming here.