Our community partners are critical in tackling the most difficult issues that the Charlestown community faces. By enlisting multiple partners (residents, police, schools, healthcare, faith based organizations, and the business community), we use a collaborative approach to problem solving. Our ultimate goal is to effect change and improve the health and wellbeing of everyone in Charlestown.

Our Community Partners Include:
Massachusetts General Hospital - Charlestown Health Center
Boston Public Health Commission
John F. Kennedy Family Service Center
Boston Police Department Area A-1: Community Service Office
Charlestown Neighborhood Council
Charlestown Mother’s Association
Charlestown Lacrosse and Learning Center
Peabody Properties/Mishawum Park Apartment Complex
Bunker Hill Housing Development
Mystic River Watershed Association
Charlestown Adult Learning Center
Charlestown Division of the Boston Municipal Court
North Suffolk Community Services
Children of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
Boston Housing Tenant Task Force
Mass Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
The Federation for Children with Special Needs
MGH Institute of Health Professions
National Alliance for Mental Health